Ragged Clown

It's just a shadow you're seeing that he's chasing…

Tag Archives: war

My Fellow Americans


My fellow Americans, By the end of today, American, Australian and British forces will have launched a large scale invasion of Iraq – a country in the Middle East about which you know very little. We have tried, over the … Continue reading

What was it all for?


I have wanted to say something like this for a long while, but this letter to the NYTimes editor says it perfectly. As a longtime peace activist who was opposed to the Iraq war from the beginning, I deeply resent … Continue reading



I know almost nothing about Lamont except that he is very, very rich and that he just won the Democratic primary for the senate seat in Connecticut that Joe Lieberman considered his own. For all I know, Lamont may or … Continue reading

Diving in History’s Dumpster


I came across this from 2003 It has been a week of some vindication for hawks, but doves are right in denying that their full arguments — about the dangers of preemptive war, fomenting terrorism, destabilizing world alliances, and so … Continue reading

Memory Lane


While searching for a cite to back up the bold assertions in my rant about Andrew Sullivan – i had pangs of guilt that the blog entry I linked to did not support my boldest assertions (still looking) – I … Continue reading

How Could We Have Predicted This ?


It still bothers me a great deal that conservative commentators like Andrew Sullivan still manage to criticize the motives of pre-war critics, even while apologizing for their part in the process. Quote : Observing this, many of us have gone … Continue reading

No Criticism ?


Platform 7 addresses misunderstandings over this paragraph in the manifesto. … the proper concern of genuine liberals and members of the Left should have been the battle to put in place in Iraq a democratic political order and to rebuild … Continue reading

The Euston Manifesto


I have been reading through NormBlog’s criticism of the criticism of the Euston Manifesto. In platform one, he points out something that I noticed too. So many of the commentators have missed what seemed to me a central point : … Continue reading