Ragged Clown

It's just a shadow you're seeing that he's chasing…

Tag Archives: video



Skip this one unless you are really into Ted talks and/or Elizabeth Gilbert. Or maybe just skip to the last minute for her inspirational idea. Elizabeth recounts the Greek idea that genius is not something we are, it’s something we … Continue reading

Have Safe Sex. Lots of it!


WARNING: Don’t watch this if you are offended by cartoon penises. Definitely not safe for work.

Liberals are more conservative


If you don’t watch bloggingheads.tv you really are missing out. The basic format is the familiar, two people with opposing views debate but the genius of bloggingheads.tv is that the debaters try to seek common ground rather than score weak, … Continue reading

Beyonce for President


Dear All the Single Ladies (all the single ladies), The effect that your – and Beyonce’s – anthem has on you is mesmerizing. With just the merest first few bars you become united in solidarity with your sisters everywhere. If … Continue reading

¡España por favor!


In a couple of short weeks, I am off to sunny Spain. I can’t wait.

A Series of Tubes


Sir Tim’s Ted talk was pretty silly but his interweb thingie is pretty cool and the true story deserves to be told. Now, for the first time, Verity Stob has that story. Here, for the first time on the series … Continue reading