Ragged Clown

It's just a shadow you're seeing that he's chasing…

Tag Archives: video

How Much Would You Pay for the Universe?


If you had asked me, six minutes ago, whether we should spend more money on NASA, I’d’ve said “No. Can’t afford it and it’s not a proper role for government.” Neil deGrasse Tyson’s testimony to the Senate may have just … Continue reading

The Science of Jiggling


Having now shepherded two little clowns through elementary and middle school, a lot of teachers have crossed my path. It has been rare to come across one with a passion for science. I have come across teachers who apologize for how hard … Continue reading

Feynman on Beauty


In case the embed doesn’t work: Feynman on Beauty

You don’t need no satisfaction


I’ve been following the RSS feed for Thinking Aloud. It’s a series of interviews with philosophers and other thinkers, asking about topics where philosophy meets our everyday lives. The quality of the interviews has been mixed at best. I loved … Continue reading

History of English


I love learning about the history of English. I love the Open University and I especially love the fact that they put all of their courses online. It’s almost enough to make me want to finish my OU degree. In … Continue reading

Too Young to Fear


New music, fashion, start-up companies – they come disproportionately from younger people. There is a theory – I first heard it from Paul Graham – that innovation comes from younger people because they haven’t yet learned what they are not … Continue reading

Remember when you were happy?


Daniel Kahneman describes two selves. Your experiencing self lives in the present. It cares about what is happening right now. Experiencing self is honest, forthright and direct. Ask your experiencing self if you are happy and it’ll give you an … Continue reading