Ragged Clown

It's just a shadow you're seeing that he's chasing…

Tag Archives: science

Chimpanzees are not monkeys


When the chimpanzee genome was published a couple of years ago we got a fascinating insight into how similar we are to our closest relative. But, when scientists found genes that differed only slightly between humans and chimpanzee it raised … Continue reading

Global Warming Lacks a Mustache


Ever tried to blog about one of those articles where you want to quote so much of it that it’s easier to just send you readers straight there? NO ONE seems to care about the upcoming attack on the World … Continue reading

Iron Science


This sounds like fun. You will be given a maximum of 3 minutes in which to impress the judges. They are looking for exciting and engaging talks that can be understood by a general public adult audience. Props are allowed … Continue reading

Evolution of Cooperation


A couple of years ago, I set out to do an experiment very similar to this one. The scientists then put the robots in a little arena with two glowing red disks. One disk they called the food source. The … Continue reading

Global Heating


Just in case anyone might have missed it, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change has just issued a report (“a comprehensive and rigorous picture of the global present state of knowledge of climate change”) on the causes and consequences of … Continue reading

Teach the Controversy


Excellent Doonesbury over at Slate today about the global warming controversy and the dioxin controversy and ….

The Courtier’s Reply


There’s a nice parody of a whole class of reviews of The God Delusion over at Dawkins’s own site. Until Dawkins has trained in the shops of Paris and Milan, until he has learned to tell the difference between a … Continue reading

Spock’s Eyebrows


The recent flurry of humanist literature is partly a reaction to the re-emergence of creationism as a challenge to evolution. But, in this piece, My God Problem, Natalie Angier wonders why scientists don’t worry about the more central Christian beliefs. … Continue reading

Maltese Time is Just Like English Time


I checked with my local semitic language speaker and together we went through all of the english words for time (during, since, yesterday, soon, later) that we could think of and found an exact correlation in maltese for each one. … Continue reading