Ragged Clown

It's just a shadow you're seeing that he's chasing…

Tag Archives: science

Inside a Cell


Dylan was telling me last night how he is looking forward to doing chemistry. I was the same at his age, but I soon learned that physics was much cooler. These days, it’s biology that excites me. I only wish … Continue reading

Look Around You


How come they don’t have science education programmes like this over here?

The Oil End Game


Both Tom and Jeff sent me links to Ted talks last week. I just watched Jeff’s one: We Must Win The Oil End Game It’s must see-TV. Even if you are not interested in oil or science or politics, go … Continue reading

Sucker for lolcats


Oh! Hai! Every now and then something finds exactly the right spot on my funny bone and I laugh and laugh and laugh. There something about Absurdist Humour in the Monty Python (“Where is that fish?”), League of Gentlemen (“Those … Continue reading

Is Science Important?


What would America be like if science were permitted to inform decision making, and if scientific issues that concern the world’s future were a natural part of a broad national conversation? The campaign to have a presidential debate focussed on … Continue reading

The Bali Declaration


“The amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere now far exceeds the natural range of the past 650,000 years and it is rising very quickly due to human activity.”If this trend is not halted soon, many millions of people will … Continue reading

Forget me not


Ever played Brain Age? Remember the one where you have to remember a sequence of numbers that is flashed briefly on the screen and you have to tap them in order after they disappear? How fast could you do it? … Continue reading

Scientists for President?


Since today is international blog action day, I thought I’d join the bandwagon advocating for a presidential debate focussed solely on science. From Matthew Chapman at richarddawkins.net, I am advocating for a Presidential Debate solely on the subject of science, … Continue reading

Happy Thanksgiving


I am always surprised by how long mammals have been around. Let’s compress all of earth’s 4.5 billion years of history into a single year, such that the earth would have first formed on January 1 of this year, and … Continue reading

Evil Prime Ministers


What’s wrong with these pictures? Answer in the comments before you click on the pictures to find the real answers.