Ragged Clown

It's just a shadow you're seeing that he's chasing…

Tag Archives: science

Science is a verb


Talking to the dead is no big deal…it’s getting them to talk back that’s the really hard part.

Why bother?


A NYT article asks why, if the magnitude of global heating is so great, changing my light bulbs will make any difference at all and answers Sometimes you have to act as if acting will make a difference, even when … Continue reading

Science Education


Richard Dawkins doing what he does best – talking about science – to Lawrence Krauss at Stanford. It’s in six parts. You can see the rest here.

Science Projects (continued)


Now this would make a cool project for a science fair: He was nominated for a Nobel Prize. I don’t care about any of this. Shafik won my heart by publishing a paper in European Urology in which he investigated … Continue reading

School Science Fairs


[Here’s a post that I started about 2 years ago and probably will never finish – which is a shame because it would’ve been a good one….] I always look forward to the Science Fair because … …. rant about … Continue reading