Ragged Clown

It's just a shadow you're seeing that he's chasing…

Tag Archives: science

The Best Idea Ever


“Thus, from the war of nature, from famine and death, the most exalted object which we are capable of conceiving, namely, the production of the higher animals, directly follows. There is grandeur in this view of life, with its several … Continue reading

Voted greatest Hubble photo ever


The Sombrero Galaxy – 28 million light years from Earth – has 800 billion suns and is 50,000 light years across. and it’s very pretty.

How to get something named after you


HINT: You have to do it yourself OK, so you want an eponymous idea. Presumably you are currently below the Arbesman Limit, so that won’t be a factor. First, take your surname and append one of the following suggested terms … Continue reading

Neanderthal Genome Sequenced


I am impressed that the  BBC wrote a fairly technical article about the sequencing of a Neanderthal  genome. But I wish I could read the original study to see if it merits the focus on these two points: “they say … Continue reading

Right on science


John Derbyshire, over at Secular Right, has a post speculating on whether the left or the right is more hostile to science. there are two sides to the Left’s claim to be the more science-friendly faction. It’s not just conservative … Continue reading

Science and Democracy


There’s a lovely essay in the NYT celebrating the restoration of scientists into the halls of goverment. The article makes the usual case that science is a way of thinking about the world rather than a collection of facts Science … Continue reading

The origin of evolution


Among the small thrills of encountering canonical works for the first time – Homer, say, or the King James Bible, or Star Wars – are the moments when you come across some turn of phrase so well-used it has been … Continue reading

Our Uberctopian Overlords


Skepticblog has some nice speculation – starting with this video which claims that, whatever aliens look like, they certainly won’t look like us. Richard Dawkins wades into the argument to make the case for convergent evolution. Convergent evolution is the … Continue reading

I see what you are thinking


Imagine that someone could stick your head in an MRI and look into your brain to see what’s going on. Now imagine that, when you look at a particular image, certain patterns show up on the MRI. Maybe a clever … Continue reading

Your choice


Skepticblog is usually pretty good. Like this post about the Shermer’s trip to a TED-alike conference in Mexico. Then the evolutionary biologist David Barash spoke about redirected aggression, recounting a story about how when his horse kicked his dog, his … Continue reading