Ragged Clown

It's just a shadow you're seeing that he's chasing…

Tag Archives: science

Gentlemen, we have the technology…


Researchers at Stanford University have used microelectrode arrays consisting of multi-walled carbon nanotubes to electrically stimulate rat retinal neurons. The small diameter of the nanotubes – 50 micrometres – enabled the researchers to stimulate individual ganglion cells growing on the … Continue reading

What is science?


Heard this on some blog or other Evolution is just a theory. Science is just a bunch of theories.

Astrology and Genetic Engineering


My local public radio station, KQED, has these annoying pledge drives every six months. About 20 minutes of every hour are devoted to a blah blah blah blah telethon that lasts two weeks. My membership expired in June but I … Continue reading

A Theory of Pee


I just got back from camping. During both nights I had to get up to pee. I NEVER have to get up to pee. Why do I have to get up to pee when it is least convenient, it’s dark, … Continue reading

The Basis of a Sound Society


Still waiting for Jeff’s philosopher to give me some context for my musings on morality, but while we wait… I just subscribed to The Mouse Trap, a blog about evolutionary psychology. Today’s entry was about moral dilemmas and moral development … Continue reading

Another Flawed Flamboyant Genius


The NY Times reviewed Matt Ridley’s biography of Francis Crick today. He is an interesting character. Crick refused to meet the queen when she visited Cambridge’s new Laboratory of Molecular Biology because he disapproved of royalty, and he declined a … Continue reading

Psychology Experiments


Scott Adam’s blog is very, very funny. He is often thought provoking and usually hilarious on subjects ranging from the frivolous – such as the ethics of walking naked from the shower (and is it OK to twirl?) – to … Continue reading