Ragged Clown

It's just a shadow you're seeing that he's chasing…

Tag Archives: review

The War on Avatar


Daniel Larison is rapidly becoming my favourite conservative and today he takes on a former favourite, Davids Brooks. Brooks’ column today is about The White Messiah This is the oft-repeated story about a manly young adventurer who goes into the … Continue reading

Quest 500. 1-10.


I am on a quest to listen to the 500 Greatest – according to Rolling Stone – Albums of All Time. I am 30 albums in and have an interim report to file. I’ll cover the highlights. OK, Sergeant Pepper … Continue reading

Sorry. Your Tree is on our Mineral Mine.


Way to miss the point! (Don’t play with that or you’ll go blind) But Avatar claims that there is something wrong with technology, and that the Na’vi of Pandora somehow represent opposition to it. The right-of-center blogosphere that I loiter … Continue reading

100 Best Books


It’s customary, whenever someone publishes a list of the 100 best anythings, to go down the list and Complain about the missing entries. Complain about the entries that don’t belong. Take perverse credit for the entries that are there. Without … Continue reading

Freedom tomorrow!


I recently finished Michael Shermer’s Science of Good and Evil and reviewed it on Facebook. I have been enjoying Michael Shermer’s blog and writings in Skeptic magazine for a while now. His interviews with creationists are particularly spectactular. This book? … Continue reading

Book Review: Envisioning Information


Finished. What a delight! This one is a lot less prescriptive than The Visual Display of Quantitative Information and what one learns, one learns by osmosis. The book skips around a lot of different ideas and it reaches deep into … Continue reading