Ragged Clown

It's just a shadow you're seeing that he's chasing…

Tag Archives: media

Dumbing it Down


There is a vicious cycle that repeats over and over and over. A brilliant movie is about to be made/beer is about to be brewed/tv show is about to filmed/newspaper is about to be published and the money men get … Continue reading

Hooray, commercials !


One of the great things about the World Cup is that the standard of the commercials goes sky high – much better than the superbowl commercials, sorry. Who can forget the Brazilians playing football in the airport in ’98 ? … Continue reading

Why do they tell us the results ?


A long time ago, I read a book where the main character tries to persuade his dad that he should subscribe to some magazine. He explains to his dad that the magazine aims to educate their readership and to give … Continue reading

Outsource the lot of them


The NY Times says that Chief Executives should be outsourced. I don’t think we’ll really have a realistic debate about globalization until journalism and politics are outsourced too.

The Euston Manifesto


I have been reading through NormBlog’s criticism of the criticism of the Euston Manifesto. In platform one, he points out something that I noticed too. So many of the commentators have missed what seemed to me a central point : … Continue reading

Stephen Colbert is a brave man


Just watched Stephen Colbert at the White House Correspondent’s Dinner. I would’ve made a fabulous press secretary. I have nothing but contempt for these people. Incredible.