On Brooklyn Bridge
Where babies are born (almost). Continue reading
Where babies are born (almost). Continue reading
I’m planning to draw one of Renoir’s dances every decade. Continue reading
Mr Gooden was terrifying and a tyrant and he altered the course of my life more than anyone else. Continue reading
I had just turned 21 when I joined the nuclear submarine HMS Revenge. Continue reading
Sitting in those pews transports me back through my memories. Continue reading
Inside every old person is a young person who doesn’t really understand that he’s old now. Continue reading
I love buying books for people who will get pleasure from them Continue reading
Python. It’s not quite Ruby. Continue reading
I started a new job with a brand-new startup. An old life is ending as a new life begins. Continue reading
My story pops back into my memory sometimes in those twilight moments between waking and sleeping. Continue reading