Ragged Clown

It's just a shadow you're seeing that he's chasing…

Tag Archives: ethics

Moral Instincts Don’t Scale


Excellent idea that I never thought of before… The first half of this bloggingheads video is about Paul Bloom experiments showing how very young babies have a well-developed moral sense. In the second half of the video, Paul & Bob … Continue reading

Compassionate Conservatives


I wish it were possible to stay out of the culture wars. But then I go and read something like this: Halfway through my pregnancy, I learned that my baby was ill. Profoundly so. My doctor gave us the news … Continue reading

Divided We Fall


I hate the culture wars even or, perhaps, especially when my side is winning. There are so many interesting points to make for and against a federal mandate that employers provide insurance coverage of contraception. For example, Using insurance to … Continue reading

Google Makes Little Girls Cry


#occupygooglereader is a cry of from the heart of Reader readers everywhere who quietly enjoyed the trickle of articles shared by friends real and virtual on Google’s wonderful RSS Reader. It was a a small feature and I bet no … Continue reading