A Good Death
Imagine you were in terrible pain and you were dying. How would you choose to die? Continue reading
Imagine you were in terrible pain and you were dying. How would you choose to die? Continue reading
The priest held both of my hands in his and spoke the wisdom of the ages Continue reading
Sitting in those pews transports me back through my memories. Continue reading
Inside every old person is a young person who doesn’t really understand that he’s old now. Continue reading
It’s an awful song. I mean, it starts off well enough. Happy birthday to you. It gets straight to the point and you know what the song is going to be about right there in the first couple of words. … Continue reading
PJ O’Rourke has cancer. And he laughs in its face. I looked death in the face. All right, I didn’t. I glimpsed him in a crowd. I’ve been diagnosed with cancer, of a very treatable kind. I’m told I have … Continue reading
So. Farewell then Agitar Software (formerly known as TestAgility). We sent you code. You sent back tests. Free. You helped us find crappy code. Now we have to find it for ourselves. Shame it’s so easy. Here! I found some! … Continue reading
According to an NYT editorial, The rate of firearm death for children 14 years and under is almost 12 times higher in this country than in 25 other industrialized nations combined, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. … Continue reading
Jeff reminded me to be careful when we book our funereal silent clowns in case we get mimes by mistake. That would suck. Fortunately, these people are on the case.
A big part of the funeral experience comes from the comforting traditions. Continue reading