No Apologies
Sin is just a manifestation of our Human Propensity to Fuck Things Up. Continue reading
Sin is just a manifestation of our Human Propensity to Fuck Things Up. Continue reading
I love buying books for people who will get pleasure from them Continue reading
The Road is about a man and a boy. And nothing happens.
They carried shameful memories. They carried the common secret of cowardice barely restrained, the instinct to run or freeze or hide, and in many respects this was the heaviest burden of all, for it could never be put down, it … Continue reading
[It’s that time again. That time when I rummage through my unfinished posts folder and decide which one’s would be better out than in and which belong in the digital toilet bowl. This one from March 2012 (barely) made the … Continue reading
Orwell’s Diaries have been serialized daily online for the last few years as though Orwell were a contemporary blogger. His diary started with Word War II and each entry is posted on the day it was written but time-shifted 70 years … Continue reading
I started a new job with a brand-new startup. An old life is ending as a new life begins. Continue reading
Will they make a good movie? Continue reading
Every English schoolboy knows that history began in 1066. Continue reading
Three atheists tell their stories. Continue reading