2000 Visits in a Month
A major milestone in Ragged Clown history. I’d lilike to thank all my mice for their support and sacrifice.
A major milestone in Ragged Clown history. I’d lilike to thank all my mice for their support and sacrifice.
Whenever I get a comment from a stranger, I always agonize over whether to approve it. You see, my blog has a moderate first comment rule. The first time you leave a comment, I have to approve it. After that … Continue reading
How, you might wonder, would my blog look with all the images and style removed? It would look a lot like this.
Technorati says I should claim my blog by posting a link. I don’t know why I would do that but here goes anyway.
I got as far as We are gonna win the league! And we did.
“What could he possible be doing instead of his taxes?” you might wonder. I have been going back through all of my old posts and making sure they are tagged correctly. What could be more important than that? I have … Continue reading
Nancy Pelosi uses WordPress! I wonder if she has an opinion on the tags vs categories controversy?
Is he famous? Is he someone I should know? So far only one person has claimed to know who he is. Could you be the second?
I got StumbledUpon in February. Over a 1000 visits. Woohoo! [click map for bigger image]