Ragged Clown

It's just a shadow you're seeing that he's chasing…

Tag Archives: atheism

He who is without sin


I don’t know why but Pat Robertson is suddenly on my TV and he and his co-host are taking it in turn to say things like: I am sensing that one of our viewers has a torn meniscus but God … Continue reading

Go fish


Whenever I read something crazy in the Times – usually by Brooks – I bookmark it with the intention to blog my reaction. I have a whole backlog of Brooks columns to comment on and half-written posts brim full of … Continue reading

I Don’t Believe You


Professor Fish, and the book by Terry Eagleton which he is reviewing, claims that Christians don’t believe what their most vocal critics say they believe. When Christopher Hitchens declares that given the emergence of “the telescope and the microscope” religion … Continue reading

Ross v Heather


BloggingHeads.tv has captured the market in political debate where the debators actually listen to one another and address each others points. They sometimes even agree! Gasp! I gave up listening to atheist vs believer debates a while back as they … Continue reading

Scandinavian Deism


Many people point to Scandinavia as an example of a successful, moral atheism. Anyone who has paid attention knows that Denmark and Sweden are among the least religious nations in the world. Polls asking about belief in God, the importance … Continue reading

There is probably no God


Y’all have been following the there is probably no god campaign on buses in London? You can make your own now.

Secular Wrong


In my quest to find blogs with a political outlook different from my own, I came across Secular Right. It’s pretty good. Plenty to disagree with but without the undertone of atheists are un-american. Some of the bloggers are escapees … Continue reading

A God worthy of worship


Michael Shermer has a review of Stuart Kauffman’s Reinventing the Sacred. I’ve often wondered about the attempts to either explain phenomena like conscsiousness, free will and intelligence in terms of physics, chemistry and biology. Kauffman has written a book about … Continue reading