Ragged Clown

It's just a shadow you're seeing that he's chasing…

Tag Archives: art

A Continent-sized Practical Joke


So the Czech Republic is taking over the presidency of the EU and they commisioned a sculpture from one David Cerny to celebrate the occasion. Cerny led the commisioners to believe that he was going to cooperate with artist from … Continue reading

Book Review: Envisioning Information


Finished. What a delight! This one is a lot less prescriptive than The Visual Display of Quantitative Information and what one learns, one learns by osmosis. The book skips around a lot of different ideas and it reaches deep into … Continue reading

Stumbling on Art


You can find some amazing pictures with StumbleUpon. It’s certainly the best way to waste time on the Internet. If you were my friend, I could send you the pictures but since I only have 4 friends, I’ll have to … Continue reading

Best One Ever


When I lived in Manhattan, I remember this one time when we were going to head out to Long Island with Georgina’s cousins and I was really, really thirsty. I had never been so thirsty in all my life. I … Continue reading