Little Red Rooster
Little Red Rooster Too lazy to crow the day.
Little Red Rooster Too lazy to crow the day.
Fuller’s Extra Special Bitter is the second best beer in the world. Continue reading
Even their ballads are played with an intensity more appropriate on a battlefield. Continue reading
The only time I ever drew with charcoal. Continue reading
A kiss is still a kiss. Continue reading
Diamond nights and ruby lights. High in the sky. Continue reading
So the Czech Republic is taking over the presidency of the EU and they commisioned a sculpture from one David Cerny to celebrate the occasion. Cerny led the commisioners to believe that he was going to cooperate with artist from … Continue reading
Finished. What a delight! This one is a lot less prescriptive than The Visual Display of Quantitative Information and what one learns, one learns by osmosis. The book skips around a lot of different ideas and it reaches deep into … Continue reading
You can find some amazing pictures with StumbleUpon. It’s certainly the best way to waste time on the Internet. If you were my friend, I could send you the pictures but since I only have 4 friends, I’ll have to … Continue reading
When I lived in Manhattan, I remember this one time when we were going to head out to Long Island with Georgina’s cousins and I was really, really thirsty. I had never been so thirsty in all my life. I … Continue reading