Those are my tomatoes!
John Rawls got it wrong. I deserve the rewards of my hard work. Continue reading
John Rawls got it wrong. I deserve the rewards of my hard work. Continue reading
Is that a sheep I see on the hill? Continue reading
Who, I wonder, is persuaded by philosophical arguments for God. Continue reading
If you’ve ever tried to join a football team, they always ask how good you are. Continue reading
My self is the collection of body parts that are me. Continue reading
Not every philosopher was wrong about everything but most were wrong about most things. Continue reading
Thinking about the happiness of everyone affected by a decision is the best place to start. Continue reading
There is no meaningful difference between the way that humans and computers know things. Continue reading
“How about you think about it overnight and let me know tomorrow?” Continue reading
When I started with the OU, I had no clue how to write an essay. I’m getting there. Continue reading