Ragged Clown

It's just a shadow you're seeing that he's chasing…

Monthly Archives: May 2012

10 things


According to Ruth Margolis, American people are some of the loveliest you’ll ever meet and make us expats feel all warm, cuddly and very welcome. But just occasionally they do or say something that we Brits find a tad… eccentric. … Continue reading

I’m Free


I read two articles this morning. The first was about the nature of the activity that we call science. The author uses the example of Anaximander’s realization that the Earth is not flat to illustrate what he believes to be … Continue reading

Who else wants some?


Oglaf. The funniest comic on the interwebs (sometimes). It’s very naughty.

Still dancing after all these years


I’ll celebrate my thousandth post with a quote from the same song that I quoted in my first. Yes, to dance beneath the diamond sky With one hand waving free, Silhouetted by the sea, Circled by the circus sands, With … Continue reading

How to choose a programming language


Me: Do you know ruby or java? Other guy: No. Php and Javascript. Me: How about you? C#, maybe? Third guy: No. Just Perl. Me: Anyone know Python? All: No. Me: OK, me neither. Let’s do Python, then.