Ragged Clown

It's just a shadow you're seeing that he's chasing…

Monthly Archives: April 2012

1984 Starts Here


Orwell’s Diaries have been serialized daily online for the last few years as though Orwell were a contemporary blogger. His diary started with Word War II and each entry is posted on the day it was written but time-shifted 70 years … Continue reading

Thanks, AT&T!


I’ve just spent 20 minutes searching the AT&T web site for somewhere to register my disenchantment with their services. The AT&T home page has a link to a contact us page which links to a message saying if you prefer to … Continue reading

Family Fun


Here’s a fun game to play with your american-speaking children. Write out these three words on three separate cards and hand the cards to one of your children to read. Merry Mary Marry Have child number one read out the … Continue reading