Ragged Clown

It's just a shadow you're seeing that he's chasing…

Monthly Archives: March 2012

The Righteous Mind


Love bloggingheads.tv. Love Jonathon Haidt. Love evolutionary psychology. Inevitable that I would love this. And I did.

Compassionate Conservatives


I wish it were possible to stay out of the culture wars. But then I go and read something like this: Halfway through my pregnancy, I learned that my baby was ill. Profoundly so. My doctor gave us the news … Continue reading

Divided We Fall


I hate the culture wars even or, perhaps, especially when my side is winning. There are so many interesting points to make for and against a federal mandate that employers provide insurance coverage of contraception. For example, Using insurance to … Continue reading

How Much Would You Pay for the Universe?


If you had asked me, six minutes ago, whether we should spend more money on NASA, I’d’ve said “No. Can’t afford it and it’s not a proper role for government.” Neil deGrasse Tyson’s testimony to the Senate may have just … Continue reading

The Science of Jiggling


Having now shepherded two little clowns through elementary and middle school, a lot of teachers have crossed my path. It has been rare to come across one with a passion for science. I have come across teachers who apologize for how hard … Continue reading

Things I Got Wrong


Mispronunciations Maester Khal Looks Catelyn is much older and harsher than I expected. In my mind she had a stark beauty. It was inevitable that Ned would look like Sean Bean but I had him older and more refined. I … Continue reading