Ragged Clown

It's just a shadow you're seeing that he's chasing…

Daily Archives: November 23, 2011

Just a Number


One thing that I envy conservatives for is their ability to think in terms of statistics. 42 million with no health insurance? Oh well, at least 260 million have it. That’s pretty good right? 12 million illegal immigrants? Send ’em … Continue reading

I Like Like


Facebook’s biggest contribution to civilization is the like button. Before we could like things, we had to decide whether something was 3 stars or 4 stars and I could never decide whether 3 stars meant this is pretty good or I … Continue reading

List of Things: Updated


I made a list of things a couple of years ago. I thought you might like an update. Just finished another theme. Garbage disposal still broke. Bathroom still needs renovating. Still no blinds. We have a new fence. Sansa was … Continue reading