Ragged Clown

It's just a shadow you're seeing that he's chasing…

Monthly Archives: March 2011

Fool me early


Ooh! They almost had me. But then i remembered the time difference. A few short weeks from now, with the world looking on, William Arthur Philip Louis Windsor will exchange rings with Catherine Elizabeth Middleton, and much of Britain will … Continue reading

Live well


This is as fine a definition of virtue as I have ever seen. Why is self-assertion important? “We have a responsibility to live well. Our challenge is to act as if we respect ourselves. Enjoying ourselves is not enough.” But … Continue reading

Ride it back out


Here’s another version of Ride a White Swan recorded on GarageBand proper on a Mac with a real guitar, real piano and real microphone. Ride a White Swan (performed by The Ragged Clown) http://www.raggedclown.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2011/03/Ride-a-White-Swan.mp3 Trivia This was T-Rex’s first successful … Continue reading

Badada Bomp


Another creative evening. This time I share the writing and performing credits with my daughter.   Badada Bomp (Written and performed by Daddy Clown and Baby Clown) http://www.raggedclown.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2011/03/Badada-Bomp.m4a

It’s a Miracle!


Everytime I learn about some economic miracle that is taking place somewhere in the world, by the time I have internalized the lessons of that miracle, the miracle has turned into a disaster and I have new lessons to learn. … Continue reading

Who cares about this stuff?


The Times has a great series of essays by Errol Morris on Thomas Kuhn’s The Structure of Scientific Revolutions. According to the author, Structure is a post-modern work which makes the relativist claim that people in one paradigm (or culture … Continue reading