The Intruder
Our hero awakes. Startled by the noise and the stranger in his room, he sits bolt upright in his bed. Continue reading
Our hero awakes. Startled by the noise and the stranger in his room, he sits bolt upright in his bed. Continue reading
Tell us what you really think Bruce DiA: More generally, which party do you find more credible when discussing America’s fiscal challenges? Mr Bartlett: The Republicans don’t have any credibility whatsoever. They squandered whatever they had when they enacted a … Continue reading
This is the kind of thing I’d blog about if I weren’t wasting all my time on Facebook. What Shirky says, I think — or at least what I think — is that the MySpace and lolcats sphere of the … Continue reading
I didn’t know the solo part in the middle so I made shit up. I fired the drummer. Continue reading
After working much too late last night, I sat out on my newly-laid patio in my new Adirondack made from freshly-chopped-down, endangered, rain-forest hardwood wrapped in a scarcely-needed blanket with my daughter on my lap sipping rum and milk respectively. … Continue reading