HINT: You have to do it yourself OK, so you want an eponymous idea. Presumably you are currently below the Arbesman Limit, so that won’t be a factor. First, take your surname and append one of the following suggested terms … Continue reading →
I am impressed that the BBC wrote a fairly technical article about the sequencing of a Neanderthal genome. But I wish I could read the original study to see if it merits the focus on these two points: “they say … Continue reading →
Reinventing the tax system Continue reading →
Oh dear. I could watch Rowan Atkinson all day.
It’s very immature to be taking pleasure from other people’s misfortune. Embarassing even. I remember feeling embarrassed for what I felt when Grasso had to resign after his $140m a year salary became public. Embarrassed and disgusted. What difference does … Continue reading →
Early in the morning of February 2, the Inspector General for Iraq Reconstruction released Hard Lessons, a summary of all that has gone wrong in postwar Iraq. Hard Lessons may be the single most dismaying state paper released by an … Continue reading →
It’s a couple of years old, but this is the most delicious hostile review I think I have ever read. Any sane person who starts reading Godless will soon ask, Does Coulter really believe this stuff? The answer is that … Continue reading →
If 200 pages of penis jokes and a history of sex studies and gynaecology sounds like your idea of fun, then this is the book for you. Highly recommended!