Ragged Clown

It's just a shadow you're seeing that he's chasing…

Monthly Archives: January 2009

Great Leaders


Hands up who, in 2003, 2004, 2005 and 2006, when the president said “Absolutely, we’re winning” thought the mainstream media was distorting the news to make it appear that the president was misleading the public? Anyone? No? Me neither. “Absolutely, … Continue reading

Standing up for Justice


Finally, someone is standing up for the right to torture and the principle that some people should be above the law. Republicans on Wednesday delayed a confirmation vote on attorney general nominee Eric Holder, some demanding assurances he would not … Continue reading

A Wise Man said


Today, we affirm a new commitment to live out our nation’s promise through civility, courage, compassion and character. America, at its best, matches a commitment to principle with a concern for civility. A civil society demands from each of us … Continue reading

A Continent-sized Practical Joke


So the Czech Republic is taking over the presidency of the EU and they commisioned a sculpture from one David Cerny to celebrate the occasion. Cerny led the commisioners to believe that he was going to cooperate with artist from … Continue reading

No Moochers Here


I think the Randians are writing fake letters to the New York Times to pretend that the crazy moochers from Atlas Shrugged  really exist: Thomas L. Friedman wants to “double the salaries of all highly qualified math and science teachers” … Continue reading

Objectivism for a New Century


One of my new favourite blogs, Secular Right, has an open thread on Ayn Rand. I have never met a real life objectivist but the ones I have come across online have been batshit crazy and they are always engaged … Continue reading

The origin of evolution


Among the small thrills of encountering canonical works for the first time – Homer, say, or the King James Bible, or Star Wars – are the moments when you come across some turn of phrase so well-used it has been … Continue reading

Good things might happen


This may well be the first time that someone from the other side has shown any sign of understanding my opposition to the Iraq War. As many war supporters pointed out, then and now, there were all sorts of positive … Continue reading

Our Uberctopian Overlords


Skepticblog has some nice speculation – starting with this video which claims that, whatever aliens look like, they certainly won’t look like us. Richard Dawkins wades into the argument to make the case for convergent evolution. Convergent evolution is the … Continue reading