Ragged Clown

It's just a shadow you're seeing that he's chasing…

Daily Archives: October 1, 2008

A new party for a new century


This conservative agrees with the notion that Palin is not qualified to be vice-president but thinks, for the sake of the party, she has to stay on the ticket Conor Friedersdorf has joined the small but hardy band of conservatives … Continue reading

Welcome to our world!


Kathleen Parker on what it is like when the ‘base’ discovers you are not a true conservative. Allow me to introduce myself. I am a traitor and an idiot. Also, my mother should have aborted me and left me in … Continue reading

Will you hold them accountable?


Here’s a good question for the next presidential debate: The current administration has tortured prisoners in violation of US and international law. Will you hold accountable those responsible? There is a discussion at  TPM Cafe on this very topic. My … Continue reading

Obama hits back at McCain Ads


Fed up with the McCain campaign’s slander, Obama hits back with some tough talk of his own. Obama Runs Constructive Criticism Ad Against McCain

Fair and Balanced


Check out the little old lady at the back who won’t let her husband vote for McCain. Which way was his vote counted? H/T Julio