Ragged Clown

It's just a shadow you're seeing that he's chasing…

Monthly Archives: September 2008

An Unlikely Hero


I have read the story many times (but never in this much detail) and it still amazes me. Who’d’ve thought that, one day, we’d think of John Ashcroft as a hero of the people? Gonzales, in an attempt to persuade … Continue reading

My cringe reflex is exhausted


Adding to my previous list of conservative cheerleaders whose early enthusiasm has turned to disappointment, here’s Kathleen Parker at NRO: It was fun while it lasted. Palin’s recent interviews with Charles Gibson, Sean Hannity, and now Katie Couric have all … Continue reading

McCain Wins!


I have a new found respect for McCain. He won the debate before it even happened! At least, the ad that the McCain campain put in today’s WSJ thinks he did. Quick. Someone one ask him what the stock market … Continue reading

The Saga Continues


I wrote Think of a Number before the talks collapsed – my imagination was not nearly wild enough. It’s hard to keep up  , but here’s where I think we are at… Paulson limited the meeting to one demo and … Continue reading

Need a break from politics?


Warning. People of african, jewish, european or asian descent or the children or the descendents of any of these groups will find this video offensive. If you watch it at work, they’ll fire you. Possibly for laughing too loud. The … Continue reading

A Post About Nothing


Ross Douthat thinks the candidates have gone all tactical when we want them to be strategic. If you’re wondering why I was writing about baseball yesterday instead of leaping into the debate over whether John McCain’s decision to suspend his … Continue reading

Cherry Picking?


I need to be careful or you’ll think that I am just cherry picking conservative commentators who think that the Palin pick is a disaster. And now, an excerpt from my inner monologue, as transcribed while watching various clips from … Continue reading

Think of a Number


If you were going to ask congress for a lot of money to rescue the financial industry what number would you ask for? $700 billion? Yeah, me too. But why? In fact, some of the most basic details, including the … Continue reading

Got Condoms?


Interesting study, if you have teenage children: Among sexually active teens, actual condom use bears no relationship to intention to use a condom or belief that using condoms is a good idea. The only factors in their study that correlate … Continue reading