Ragged Clown

It's just a shadow you're seeing that he's chasing…

Monthly Archives: May 2008

But that’s got spam in it


Whenever I get a comment from a stranger, I always agonize over whether to approve it. You see, my blog has a moderate first comment rule. The first time you leave a comment, I have to approve it. After that … Continue reading

Feed the Head


After you jump 5 hurdles in a row and feed all the fish, you can make them all yawn. I couldn’t make the worm spit though. Warning! Don’t click unless you have more important things to do. Feed the Head

To save a president’s legacy


There’s an excellent 8 page article in today’s NY Times magazine that chronicles McCain’s stance on the Iraq War. It’s mostly positive – if you agree with McCain’s stance – and, since the liberal media is not doing it’s job … Continue reading

Trying to trick me into sexy talk?


Time for the talk soon. I’m going with this… Get married …buy a house …get properly settled in… furniture and so on… and wait for a bit make sure you eat properly – three hot meals a day. Then just … Continue reading

Lines on the Death of Agitar


So. Farewell then Agitar Software (formerly known as TestAgility). We sent you code. You sent back tests. Free. You helped us find crappy code. Now we have to find it for ourselves. Shame it’s so easy. Here! I found some! … Continue reading



Reminds me of someone….. I can’t think who… Get off your fat badonk and stop procrastinating. Right now. No, not after the Gilmore Girls rerun ends. Now now. Will you do this? No. You will not. You will dabble at … Continue reading