Winter 1903
I just went through Gamer Pro’s entire list of the 52 most important games of all time and could not see Space Invaders, Defender, Asteroids, Gauntlet, Pole Position or Manic Miner anywhere. The list was probably compiled by youngsters.
The 7 or 8 Guys that I have made in the past have all been spur-of-the-moment affairs with whatever-old-clothes-I-Found-in-the-wardrobe. This year I vow to give him more respect. My Guy Fawkes will be recognisable as an early seventeenth century terrorist … Continue reading
My vacation started just over half an hour ago and already it is quite excellent. From my chair, at the top of my drive, as I sip my second beer, I can see no less than 12 wireless networks. I … Continue reading