Ragged Clown

It's just a shadow you're seeing that he's chasing…

Monthly Archives: September 2007

hv u seed wut teh kidz r doin??


http://lolsecretz.blogspot.com/ http://community.livejournal.com/lolscience/ http://icanhascheezburger.com/ http://www.lolcats.com/ http://loltheist.com/

It’ll be done by Friday


My wife just asked me if I have booked that flight yet. When I get home, she will ask me if I have submitted my expenses yet. The answer to both is no – because I was reading this. Of … Continue reading

What’s better than jogging?


Soccer is better exercise than jogging: Now a new study led by Peter Klustrup offers us a new reason to play: Apparently if we don’t kill ourselves during the game, we actually get more exercise than spending an equivalent amount … Continue reading

Evil Prime Ministers


What’s wrong with these pictures? Answer in the comments before you click on the pictures to find the real answers.

Science is only a model


Seed Magazine has just announced the winners of a competition that invited contestants to answer the question:  What does it mean to be scientifically literate in the 21st Century? One of the winning essays, Camelot is only a model, praised … Continue reading

Chimp + Finch = Human


An interesting paper in Seed magazine that suggests that the sudden emergence of language about 120,000 years ago is due to a mutation in a gene, FOXP2, that we share with most other organisms. Essentially, the paper says, most of … Continue reading

Good Shot!


Hey! Who’s that taking a corner? Why, it’s me! Tom and Gina came along to watch us get our arses whuped on Sunday and took lots of pictures to preserve the arse-whuping for posterity (haha!geddit?). In future, I will only … Continue reading

Don’t be a wanker


If you are planning to write a Curriculum Vitae resume any time soon, read this first. Tip #5: Avoid Wank Words Wank Words are words that inflate your perceived importance (e.g. using “architected” rather than “designed”), or words that have … Continue reading

It’s a Fact


In science, ‘fact’ can only mean ‘confirmed to such a degree that it would be perverse to withhold provisional assent.’ Stephen Jay Gould

Physics First


The New York Times picked up the torch that Richard and I were carrying on Friday: Some experts on science education also point to the typical sequence of high school science instruction: biology, chemistry and then physics. It would make … Continue reading