Ragged Clown

It's just a shadow you're seeing that he's chasing…

Monthly Archives: December 2006

Vicars in a Twist


I was a regular reader of Viz for several years when it first came out (it’s a bit like Mad Magazine wearing bovver boots) . I haven’t seen it for about 20 years and was happy to find that it … Continue reading

Unforgiving Clarity


From the Letters page of The New York Times: History will say, with unforgiving clarity, that you, Mr. President, started a war without justification, without world support, without understanding and without adequate planning, resulting in the deaths so far of … Continue reading

No More Transformers


How many transformers do you have in your house? Too many probably. How come, 50 years into the electronics age, they still don’t run 12v DC alongside the 115v AC? Imagine how many of those power supplies you could throw … Continue reading



These three circumstances… My company is moving office today so I’m working from home but have no access to any of the resources I need to actually do work I am exhausted from the combination of an illness that has … Continue reading

And a Merry Christmas to you too!


I just received The Brights bulletin which has some useful suggestions for when someone wishes you a “Merry Christmas”. Here’s what I like to respond: Merry Christmas! I absolutely cannot stand the anemic “Happy Holidays”. I am firmly with Bill … Continue reading