Ragged Clown

It's just a shadow you're seeing that he's chasing…

Monthly Archives: November 2006

Spam Filter


If WordPress had a comment filter that said “if you get (almost) the same comment to two separate posts, it’s spam” I would never get any spam at all. I wonder if that filter exists?

Mysterious Faith


In the absence of an actual copy of The God Delusion, I have had to console myself with reading articles about it. The majority of reviews largely take the book at face value and either support it or oppose it. … Continue reading

Ownership in the 21st Century


I used to love to own books. Everytime I went to the bookshop, I would buy 4 or 5. I can’t bear to throw them or give them away – even the crap ones. I have no space in my … Continue reading

Fighting for Democracy


Help save the youth of America Help save the youth of the world Help save the boys in uniform Their mothers and their faithful girls Listen to the voice of the soldier Down in the killing zone Talking about the … Continue reading

Richard X


The Boston Globe makes a nice point by reviewing The God Delusion side-by-side with Carl Sagan’s A Personal View of the Search for God and concludes Dawkins is probably right that fundamentalist religion “actively debauches the scientific enterprise,” but I’ll … Continue reading

Just kill the damn turkey already


One day, the president should just kill the stupid thing right there in front of the cameras and the girl scouts and the PETA people. Then it would be worthy of being front page news in the New York Times … Continue reading

Comment spam


I am experimenting with the auto-delete comment filter. Your comments will be deleted if they contain any of the words viagra, cialis or mortgage. You shouldn’t  be talking about those things on my blog anyway.

Why they lost


The New Republic has the answer: Republicans, on the other hand, pretty much never change. They’re like a Terminator machine (and unlike the governor who played the Terminator and who has dramatically recast his ideology). Crush them in a machine … Continue reading

A force for good?


Theos, a new Christian think tank, heralded their launch by commissioning a poll from Communicate Research. They started by taking one of Richard Dawkins’ more confrontational statements and asking if people agreed with it: “Faith is one of the world’s … Continue reading

Spock’s Eyebrows


The recent flurry of humanist literature is partly a reaction to the re-emergence of creationism as a challenge to evolution. But, in this piece, My God Problem, Natalie Angier wonders why scientists don’t worry about the more central Christian beliefs. … Continue reading