Ragged Clown

It's just a shadow you're seeing that he's chasing…

Monthly Archives: October 2006

Brothers and Sisters of the Left


For the last four years, those of us on the left who saw this coming – and saw a hundred other issues coming, from abrogation of the wall between church and state to the ballooning deficit – we have spent … Continue reading

In Praise of Rigged Elections


Scott Adams makes an excellent case for why voting machines should be hackable; Statistically speaking, any hacker who is skilled enough to rig the elections will also be smart enough to select politicians that believe in . . . oh, … Continue reading

Warming to Climate Change


The big news for the last few days over at the Guardian is a UK government sponsored report on global warming along with some practical measures to tackle it. Judging by our parking lot this morning, Blair and Brown will … Continue reading

A Transcendental God


I have read about a million reviews now of The God Delusion. This was a tricksy one by Terry Eagleton in The London Review of Books. It comes out fighting… Imagine someone holding forth on biology whose only knowledge of … Continue reading

Dear Mr Brooks,


I don’t get to read David Brooks any more since TimesSelect made him premium content. I have to content myself with reading the letters to Mr Brooks. Like this one. In “The Era of What’s Next” (column, Oct. 26), David … Continue reading

Moral Minority


Just read George Will’s review of “Moral Minority: Our Skeptical Founding Fathers” in the New York Times. I don’t know why I take so much comfort from Conservatives Who Make Sense (Brooks, Sullivan and Will foremost among them). Perhaps it … Continue reading

The Case for the Libertarian Democrat


Looks like Kos has joined my bandwagon calling for the democrats to go down, not left. Actually, he goes further and says that the dems are already there. For too long, Republicans promised smaller government and less intrusion in people’s … Continue reading

Stay the Course


‘Stay the course’ means keep doing what you’re doing. My attitude is, don’t do what you’re doing if it’s not working — change. ‘Stay the course’ also means don’t leave before the job is done.” [George Bush in the New … Continue reading

Belief in Belief


I am listening to Penn (of Penn and Teller) interviewing Richard Dawkins as I type. Dawkins just used the phrase, quoting Dennet, “belief in belief” to describe the tone of many of the reviewers of his new book The God … Continue reading

Battle of the Bands


I wish I could figure out that newfangled way of embedding YouTube videos in my blog. Then I could embed this one – Battle of the Bands. That reminds me. I caught Dylan singing Rock Lobster yesterday. Doing that jerky-punch-everyone-around-you … Continue reading