Ragged Clown

It's just a shadow you're seeing that he's chasing…

Monthly Archives: August 2006

They are all so young!


My best, most vivid memories of school comes from the second and third year of secondary school (that’s 7th & 8th grade to all you mercans). That’s the period when I got into the most trouble, had my biggest triumphs, … Continue reading

What was it all for?


I have wanted to say something like this for a long while, but this letter to the NYTimes editor says it perfectly. As a longtime peace activist who was opposed to the Iraq war from the beginning, I deeply resent … Continue reading

Come along first years…


Dylan starts middle school tomorrow. I remember it like it was just yesterday. Mrs Stevenson in her wizarding robes marching us down to the Junior Assembly Hall sounding exactly like Professor McGonagall – she might even have been scottish. Such … Continue reading

Pop goes …. er …. pop!


Raph Koster is one of my favourite bloggers. He was a lead designer on the best game of all time. His blog is nominally about games but he covers a lot of the surrounding territory too. Today’s post is about … Continue reading

A Theory of Pee


I just got back from camping. During both nights I had to get up to pee. I NEVER have to get up to pee. Why do I have to get up to pee when it is least convenient, it’s dark, … Continue reading

The Basis of a Sound Society


Still waiting for Jeff’s philosopher to give me some context for my musings on morality, but while we wait… I just subscribed to The Mouse Trap, a blog about evolutionary psychology. Today’s entry was about moral dilemmas and moral development … Continue reading

A Theory of Morality


Morals are the rules that we follow when there are no rules and no one is watching. Corollary When we create laws to prevent immoral behavior, we make society less moral. Citations In the old days, you used to have … Continue reading

A Pyramid of Spam


Everyone has a theory about spam. Most are variations of the Barney in Florida Hypothesis. If you send out 18 million ads for v1-agara you only need to sell one little bottle to make a profit – and Barney in … Continue reading

Who are you?


With everyone using RSS these days, web log statistics are now useless. I have no idea whether anyone is even reading this nonsense. The only sign of readership is the occasional comment – for which I am truly grateful. I … Continue reading