Ragged Clown

It's just a shadow you're seeing that he's chasing…

Monthly Archives: May 2006

No Criticism ?


Platform 7 addresses misunderstandings over this paragraph in the manifesto. … the proper concern of genuine liberals and members of the Left should have been the battle to put in place in Iraq a democratic political order and to rebuild … Continue reading

Mind The Gap !


I hadn’t previously realized that platforms 1 to 8 were written by multiple people each authors of and with slightly different takes on the Euston Manifesto. Platform 5 is particularly good and addresses many of the misperceptions about the manifesto. … Continue reading

The End of the Party ?


I find it frustrating that, in the US, the two party system is so firmly entrenched that other voices are only reluctantly heard and then only every four years. It leads to unholy alliances such as the one between the … Continue reading

The Euston Manifesto


I have been reading through NormBlog’s criticism of the criticism of the Euston Manifesto. In platform one, he points out something that I noticed too. So many of the commentators have missed what seemed to me a central point : … Continue reading

A War for Oil ?


The meme travelling through blogs from Scott Adam’s to Andrew Sullivan’s this week is that the high cost of oil proves that the war in Iraq was not about oil. The proof goes something like this If we (the US) … Continue reading

Spoken like a Portuguese


I find the Sapir-Whorf Hypothesis – the idea that thought is constrained by language – to be fascinating. Here’s a variation on it from The Guardian Take the Portuguese president of the European commission, Jose Manuel Barroso, for example. Barroso … Continue reading

Euston Manifesto


It’s a statement of principles drawn up by a group of progressives in London. 15 powerful paragraphs of truth and clarity. I would sign my name to every sentence (even the one about open source). Here’s its conclusion : It … Continue reading

Who is the target audience ?


Aaron is complaining that Nintendo has renamed their forthcoming Revolution to Wii (pronouced “we”). All my game playing buddies are bewailing the same thing. I asked my son and all his 5th grade buddies and they said : “weeeee!” “Coool!” … Continue reading

A Man for All Seasons


Andrew Sullivan just watched A Man for all Seasons which tells the tale of Thomas More’s struggles with Henry VIII over the relationship between religion, the law and executive power. Roper: So now you’d give the Devil benefit of law! … Continue reading